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Monday, January 25, 2016

Vancouver/ My morning part #4

 It was nap time.  I could hear the little ones sleep breathing and the occasional rustle of papers from the older ones working on Saxon math. I curled up with Nelinha on my bed next to Leon working at his desk. I could have used this time to get some work done without any interruptions. But, the baby will not stay this sweet and little. She won't always let me kiss her eyes and the little bubbles on her lips. She won't always sleep on my chest where I can feel her tummy expand with every breath. I am sure I am choosing the right activity for my only quiet time this day.

After nap, Zion went out to play basketball with one of his brothers. Asaph and a couple of the older children went for a walk in the rain and stopped by Wilco to pick up a bag of chicken feed. This time in the afternoon is designated as productive time so there isn't much reading or sitting around allowed and no screen time at all. Screen time is what we call it when anyone is looking at a computer screen, phone or even and Mp3 player. We have a time set aside for those activities.

For dinner we ate a couple pizzas. Then feeling that we had insulted the health of our bodies we assuaged our guilt by eating a bunch of cutie oranges, a big salad, and tonic. We make tonic out of  jalapenos, ginger, onion, garlic and apple cider vinegar. It takes several weeks to get potent but it's worth the wait. When dinner ended the organized chaos of chores and getting ready for family time began. This is not always fun, but it is always loud and usually feels crazy. It doesn't seem like (out of the smoke and rubble), cleared counters, washed dishes, and a clean table can arise, but it usually does.

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