The cabbage leaves are standing straight up, drinking in the rain that started falling this morning. There is a party out there in the form of Swiss Chard.
There are 7 kittens in the laundry room that needed another bag of cat food. I went out with Elsie to drop Leon off at work and get a little chatting time.
When I came home with the food, there was a truck load of wood chips/green leaves. That is for my Back To Eden / Permaculture garden. Thank you Mr. Bradley.
I can hardly wait to start spreading all those wood chips. I do not have the privilege of composting them in that pile for a year, but I'm not worried because I know a little about how to handle those chips around tender vegetables. This is my fourth year gardening in this manner and I'm not going back to digging and weeding constantly.
The children find a fresh pile of wood chips and leaves irresistible. I weighed the cost of messing up my yard by spreading the pile out and compacting them so that they are harder to fill each wheel barrow. I turned to Zurielle who reminded me that we want them to have, "their full childhood experience".
I said, "yes, go play!"
Elsie, Lazuli, and Nelinha erupted in "Thank you's" and hugs as though I had given them a new puppy. I again felt that I had narrowly escaped missing out. I could have just as easily said, "No". What a shame it would have been to hold back a happy gift that cost me practically nothing and is good for them.
They played for hours; digging hobbit holes for themselves, sliding down on cardboard etc. Then it was time to have supper, do our chores and gather for family time at 7pm.
Thank you Lord for letting us live in this beautiful house and enjoy each others company. Thank you for the monster trees and birds that don't stop singing all through the night. Thank you for your satisfying and thirst quenching presence.
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