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Friday, May 15, 2020

My Mothers Day Apple Pie

With the children sick, Zurielle and I take shifts during the night so that someone is always with the children. In this manner, I have not slept in my new bedroom for six weeks.
Needless to say, there probably won't be any little, ''Corona's', or little, 'Quarantina's" as a souvenir from this shut in time. (but then, you never know, homeschooling love-birds are amazing.)
My darling Zurielle, took the whole night watching the little ones for me. I got to see how the other half lives. Sleeping in beds, showering at will, REM, waking up slowly. It was my first Mothers Day present.
 I woke up and wandered downstairs. I heard loud whispers, "she's coming".
The house was so clean, candles were everywhere, a fire crackled in the fire place. Even my three cast iron skillets were cleaned and beautiful, waiting for me to make breakfast.
There was a basket on the counter with a home made card from each of my children and several decadent chocolate bars. Freshly washed raspberries decorated one of my mothers china plates along with home made dried bananas. Elsie and Nehemiah had made honey candy in the shape of little hearts for me to share.
I found out that all 6 of the children had gone to the store for all my gifts and flowers and they had cleaned the house from 6-8 am, while I slept.
My dad said that mothers day without the children around is like apple pie without apples. I am so thankful to be surrounded by my children today.

p.s. It was lovely to talk to both Zion and Asaph on the phone today. They are both loyal and loving sons. Leon and I are looking forward to being all together once again in August. See you then!

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