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Friday, May 22, 2020

kitchen messes(written in chile 2012)

Why do I let my children cook and bake in the kitchen. They take much more time to make something than I would, make a much bigger mess and have a higher chance of failure. I do it for some of these reasons:
It makes them see how hard it is to take care of a family, They can accomplish something that they are interested in, are rewarded by achievement,
living here in the city, they can't explore the woods, be very noisy, tear down and build large things, start fires etc.
So they cook every day and we allow them to choose the menu, walk to the store and purchase the groceries (in Spanish). Of course they are required to cook healthy and inexpensive meals. They are allowed to make lots of deserts as long as they are fairly healthy and we do not eat very much of it. The fruit here provides plenty of sweets.
At this point Havilah, Asaph do almost all the cooking and baking. I help with salads, advice, chopping etc. Ephraim makes burritos and some things like that. Zuriel and Sim help a lot. I turned over the kitchen duties to prepare for the coming baby when I will be resting and getting to know him or her. When we saw that the children were actually able to take over, everyone said, "let's keep doing it".

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