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Sunday, October 18, 2015


We had more tacos for lunch; it was so good! I only consumed two tacos this time, for I was excited to get to the library.
It might seem like we're not getting anything done, but we do put in a good chunk of our day working on the bathroom.
You see, there was first the metal tub to demolish and remove. Thankfully, the toilet and sink and all were already gone (oh, but we found a pretty nice sink we can use, in the cupboard). We figured, Get out the tiles and the job's half done. (The floor's rotted underneath so we have to replace it.) The tiles were easy, but the floor underneath is another matter entirely. For one thing, it's made so that each board (these are rotted only on the edges so it's the worst case scenario) will fit into each other--I think it's called finger-joint, but I could be wrong. Then, to make the cutting of them ever so difficult, there's not only the rock-like plaster used to glue tiles stuck on top, but a type of flooring probably made of plastic and rubber and paper and what'all they use, that is hard to remove and even impossible in some places. I don't know what that stuff is called. Anyway the saw can't really cut through it! To make it even harder, the nails are long and just rusty enough to break heads if you're not careful, but also strong enough to make you sweat in normal temperatures just getting one out. So we feel like we've not done anything, even though we've been working really hard. We have just one more piece of wood to remove before we are done with that part of it. Then we'll see how tricky the next layer will be. It's a lot more rotten!
This morning, we went to the Trumble's church. The sermon was good enough to make me want to chime in, and hardly excited any argument in my mind, which is quite rare. Also it was quite short, which I appreciated a lot. I can understand why a long service would be good--especially if the pastor didn't have to keep repeating himself in order to fill the time. But even then, I enjoy sitting back and relaxing for a few hours, unlike when I was younger. Nonetheless I think shorter services are really better in the long run. Concise words often strike deeper anyway.
Enough of that! The most different thing about this church is that it's very dark, most of the time. I also liked that, since I am happiest in a dark place. The band lacks some energy and authority, which doesn't matter except that they are trying to appear like other bands, which do not lack it. I think if I stopped being so lazily shy then I would definitely enjoy singing with them. There are some five or six people that play various commonly-known modern worship songs.
I also liked the fact (here I smile slyly) that there was coffee and doughnuts. Not that I could bear the temptation of doughnuts too well, but the coffee would be such a nice thing. Altogether a "comfortable" church; people greeting you at the doors, coming in to a sanctuary where people are talking to each other and not staring at you. It's a nice atmosphere.
It makes me want to visit churches in places where Christians are persecuted--I'll let you go on and guess why.

There you are, and I have to get back to my brother so that he and I can write together. We're both getting more excited about our stories.
The end.

Hey, how come nobody comments? Don't be shy, we like you. You are the best. Anyway don't hesitate to comment. Maybe Mama just hasn't approved them...


linda said...

Wow! you guys are amazing! All that work n yes b careful n wear gloves! keep up the posts! I know I know I am waaaaaaaaaay behind! ha ha but am enjoying reading them, love your adventures there in OK. Love auntie Linda

linda said...

also it is weird for me r now as I am on a no coffee, no pop (except plain fizzy water) no alcohol r now. I just trying it for a while, prob have some again on Thanksgiving and Christmas for sure! ha ha ;) anywho i was commenting on the fact that you mentioned coffee n doughnuts at church you were visiting there. The Trumbles keep making me think of this kids book with Mr. Frumble in it! ha ha

Havi said...

Haha! Asaph couldn't remember their names and he said "It's something like 'shaking'."

linda said...

ha ha lol " Something like shaking" ha ha ha yes you have me laughing out loud both of you! ;)