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Thursday, October 29, 2009

News On Our African Children

For the last month things have been moving again on the adoption. We have been notified that the adoption paperwork is completed and in the mail to us. Once we receive it we can file it and the boys can come home. It has been 2 1/2 years since we completed our home study for this adoption.
For those of you who are new to our blog, I will tell you a little about our African boys.
Here is what we know about Simeon and Patrick:
Their father had died in the second Liberian Civil War before Simeon was born. Patrick's mother was pregnant when her husband was killed. Patrick was living with his Aunt when his mother moved in and had her baby. Shortly after Simeon's birth their mother died of an unknown illness.
The boy's aunt had 5 other children and her husband was gone. She was emotionally unstable and was not sure if she could take care of her own children. She decided to put Simeon and Patrick in an orphanage. Their grandparents were still alive at this time but, too ill to care for them.
Two years ago, in November, 2007, Leon and I signed papers agreeing to accept them into our family and adopt them. They were 6 and 8 years old. After this, they were moved into a group home where they still are.

We have changed a lot over the last two years. God has been teaching us to rely on Him and not our own strengths. He has shown us more about His grace. We believe that when the boys get to our home and we face the difficulties that we have worried over, His grace will be sufficient for us.

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