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Friday, June 01, 2007

Not waiting, Living today

No, we have not had the baby yet. We are only 40 weeks but, we had expected to deliver early. This is such a sweet time of waiting and thinking of surprises. It looks like I may have one more weekend to walk around boasting of our Lord's creative powers in my body.
In the meantime we have been getting a lot done towards our adoption. We had our physicals and sent out our referral requests. Next Friday is our fingerprinting appointment. (Hopefully we will be carrying our darling baby in our arms that day).
I have almost finished my autobiography and the other forms. We are waiting on the Lord for money for the home study and the required 10 hours of on-line testing. We just have to pay it by June 23rd. God is already showing us that he is able to provide for our needs and I know He won't stop. One small example is that they waived our co-pays at the physicals. We also had been praying for our garden and fruit trees and vines to be productive (because we all eat so much). They seem to be growing well and someone practically gave us 9 more raspberry vines.
We are getting the 2 milking goats and a buck soon. They should start providing milk for our family in about 4 months. Our friends have volunteered to come over and help us get the fencing up. That is another thing that I had prayed for.
I found this section in the bible this morning. Proverbs 27:23 Know well the condition of your flocks, and give attention to your herds, for riches do not last forever; and does a crown endure to all generations? When the grass is gone and the new growth appears and the vegetation of the mountains is gathered, the lambs will provide your clothing, and the goats the price of a field. There will be enough goats' milk for your food, for the food of your household and maintenance for your girls.
Isn't that great!!

I don't know which child/ren God will give us but, I love them as a mama. I pray that God protects them and wraps His love around them. I would want Him to do that for Zuriel or Naphtali if they were far away and I couldn't reach them. These other dear children are just as valuable as my little Zuriel. They are just as important to me and to God.
Lord willing, we will be able to bring our child/ren home within a year. Next June seems like a reasonable date given the time frames of all the different steps.
Have a wonderful week of prayer and loving the Lord's attention (even when it hurts).

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