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Saturday, December 05, 2015

Vancouver, Today is my due date, window shopping, a busy and normal day

Today is my due date. Leon and I made coffee and drove up to the nearest parking lot. We sat there and talked about important stuff without any interruptions.
Then Leon walked around with me in the store because I've never been in it before. I really enjoyed just being with Leon and listening to him tell me about the different shovels and connectors and sump pumps. When he held my hand and walked me from isle to isle, even the Pex piping became interesting. It was a good date.
We finally ended up in the western clothing section. I ironed out how I feel about his clothing. Leon is in his 40's and looking good. He doesn't need to be putting on those monotonous, business casual dress shirts. Add a little western touch, a hat, maybe a vest and bam, he goes from boring to interesting.
 I have to add that, a business shirt is miles ahead of the lazy t-shirt or worse yet the falling down pants that say, "I'm lazy and don't respect myself or you". I'm thankful that this has never been Leon's style.
Moving on.. Then I took the children to KungFu and I snuggled Lazuli in the car. We all got back home, made lunch, jogged, walked, collected leaves for the chicken bedding, made cookies, played music, cleaned the house several times, read together the bible and George McDonald and worked out relational difficulties.
Tonight was open season on Asaph. Three of us had to say an, "I feel this when you this" statement. The offenses were shared, the effect on the offended was cared for and reconciliation was made. Then hugs, kisses and we all went to bed. Leon is currently setting mouse traps for our recent invader who is living under the stove. Naphtali is finishing dishes, again, and I am here.
I have gone into labor 8 times in my life. It has always happened in mid morning or late evening when I go to bed. I may make it out to dinner on my 24th wedding anniversary after all.


linda said...

I have to admit even i do not know what Pex piping is. ha ha ha and wow walking n jogging EVERYONE? ha ha that baby will sure be out soon! ;)

linda said...

So y'all take turns I mean certain day or week is for a certain person in the fam when something (trouble/offense) arises? or as the offenses come you attend them? Anywho just glad you able to sort it out each time on both ends. & just curious how you all do that in a large family. It is all interesting and a learning tool info for me, not a prying gossip thing fyi. :)