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Friday, November 20, 2015

Asaph's Country Star

I was making lunch and old-fashioned country music was playing. Papa and Ephraim were on their computers using Papa's wifi and looking up how to do the plumbing. Asaph had the phone that was playing the music and was looking at an old-fashioned-looking picture in black and white of a young man in rectangular glasses. I was tasting the soup, and I paused to savor it while I looked over his shoulder.
"Oh man, that guy's handsome!" I said. I randomly remark this about people I see and don't think I'll ever meet (when I think they look good, of course.) I notice a lot of details because I draw people's faces and I like to be able to demonstrate how different everyone is. "Look at his mouth!" I added. His mouth had a unique, pleasant upward curve in the corners even though he wasn't really smiling.
"You wanna know who he is?" Asaph said with a grin.
"Yeah." I went to get the salt; it was just at the other end of the counter. I figured Asaph was gonna tell me the man was one of his country stars; he always tries to get me to like them. But he said,
Everybody laughed, even me. Looking at it again while not so focused on the music I was hearing, I immediately identified him.
"Oh my... badness..."
"Hey Havilah," Ephraim said. "Can I quote you on that?"
"Yeah, can I quote you?" Asaph said.

So, I figured, might as well put it here before they get their hands on it.
The End

Oh, and an add-on:
My story blog is now public.
Also, I have been refused about going to France and all, so what'all should I do next? I am going to the theater thing today to find out what'all happened and if I can still get in on the next play anyway.


linda said...

oh your story blog now public oh ok but i did send my email addresses to your Ma and she can still send em to you if u like eh? & YES! I WANNA KNOW BOUT THE THEATER! That is my realm not Lullabye's. She is more of the back ground behind the scenes worker artist, i am more of the wanna be doing whatever on stage dancing, singing acting ha ha she is terrified of that and I am not as good as she at the behind the scenes stuff n prefer the stage terrified or not ha ha ;) so anywho let me know asap re- theater stuff or France job trip etc???? !!!! K!!!??? :) hugs kisses love prayers

linda said...

oh btw-- who is Aaron? re- the country star photo song discussion w Asaph ha ha I have not been listening to my country music much mostly listening to Frank Sinatra or not really much at all ha ha whatever Lullabye has coming out of her room or whatever Kevin decides to be listening too ha ha

Havi said...

So far I haven't done anything about the theater and I'm starting to think I won't ever have time to. I have a lot to do at home--as in, too much--and I keep on forgetting what I'm doing and just writing for hours. And they didn't accept me to go to France either, so that's a let down.
You like Frank Sinatra! Papa likes him too! We listened to similar artists all day one day because when Papa gets into some music, then that's what he does.

Havi said...
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