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Monday, March 14, 2022

....And so began another crazy Goodenough adventure. We sold our big, easy house for a large profit. It was enough to buy 20 acres of woods and creek. A dream life of hard work every day, fresh air, sweat, rain running down the face, basically everything that makes one feel alive with power.

"God, strengthen us so that we don't whine and fight each other. This is your plan. You designed our limbs to climb and work and hold each other. Added to that now we have pain and angry passions, and there are so many suffering people outside. Here we are Lord, please enable us to serve, to fill our home with worship and to trust you with the sweet comradery of painful love and the frustrations of failing every day."

We lived in a gutted 28ft travel trailer for 6 months. 3 months on a driveway in town and 3 months out in the woods of our new property. By the time we moved out to the woods we had a new ceiling and floor and walls, triple bunks, a few other beds, a sawdust toilet, a double burner cook top, a sink, air conditioner and even a tiny shower. We moved into the metal building the day after Thanksgiving, before the freezing temperatures began, thinking that we would have a wood stove to keep us warm. The temperatures plummeted and still the wood stove aluded us. Try to imagine how silly happy we were two days ago when we lit the stove for the first time. We were truly as happy as kings amid the luxuries of wealth, as we laid in our bunks that night basking in heat and smelling the campfire smells.
....more to come

Love, Jennifer


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