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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Examples of God using people

Recently a stranger at the grocery store struck up a conversation with me. After some small talk, she wandered away to complete her grocery shopping. A little while later she sought me out again. "I would like to make each of your seven children a quilt for their beds", she said. We have been emailing back and forth since then. I did not think it was strange when she approached me with this offer. I had been hoping for someone with a 'grandmother' heart who would sew for me and knew that God had sent her. She will make the quilts this winter. In the meantime she has already sent fourteen baby blankets for Elsie.

Our neighbor backed into our yard the other day and dumped about 3 cords of wood rounds next to the wood pile. The next day he brought another cord or so. It's all valuable hard wood. We were troubled about how to get enough wood to get us through the winter. He said that he appreciated our patience when they are noisy etc.

I was returning a DVD with one of my children. I knew that I had late charges remaining of $28. I didn't intend to pay anything on the debt that day. My son said that he thought I should go and pay them whatever cash I had in my wallet. So, I went in and paid the $12 dollars I had. The owner took my $12 and forgave the rest of my debt.

Our dear sister Pat moved into our house in Bartlesville, Oklahoma. She has been working tirelessly with the many repair needs of the house. Her daughter and son-in-law have been flying out to the house and spending many hours working on it for us.
The FedEx guy noticed that we were pregnant a couple months ago. He came back last week and wanted to know if we had a boy or a girl. He has clothes to bring over for several of my children.

Someone at Leon's work brought him a box of clothes and blankets for Elsie. Without those we wouldn't have nearly enough for her.

These are just a few examples of people who God has used to bless us. Some of them didn't know us much if at all and we had not expressed our needs to them.

1 comment:

messengerfamily said...

I love this! We can all miss out on seeing so many of GOds provisions because we are not looking. How exciting to live like this. We also being a family of ten live on GOds provisions and it is great. So here is how He provides in the biggest way for food, you may be able to try it. GO to your local super market and ask for the out dated dairy and old produce. They throw out this stuff mjore than likely and let them know that you have farm animals and could slvage it. Then be amazed at what they throw away! We have three freezers bursting open with cheeses and all sorts of yummies like yougart and all...we give a lot to the animals but take first pick. We live on this and eat very well. I hope that does not scare you! I used to be picky and unthankful for the "pig slop" but for a while it stopped comming and I realized how GOd was feeding our family off of it. I no longer refer to it as pig slop. Blessings to you and yours.