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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Saving time for eternal things

Our friends the Baxter's stayed with us for about a week. We had a Wonderful time! We hiked, biked, had BBQ's, camped in our back woods, made knives, refinished a guitar body, worked on our mini farm, pulled weeds, ate a lot etc. It was a week full of rich fellowship. Of course we made them watch our favorite movie, "The Last Sin Eater".
There is no news on the adoption.
My health is excellent and the baby is growing well.
I am always looking out for ways to eliminate needless duties and simplify our life. I recently switched sour dough recipe's to Serene's (from the Above Rubies ministry). It's much easier. I stopped folding the bath towels. I now toss them in a large laundry basket that we keep in the bath tub. They stay clean and accessible and the basket is easily removed for a bath. We stopped folding clothes years ago (except Leon's). Every child has baskets to separate their pants, shirts, underwear and p.j's. When going through a huge pile of clothes, we simply separate it into different peoples piles. Of course we don't fold hand towels either. They are gathered and dropped into the drawer. The wash clothes are folded because we like to have them handy in stacks on the kitchen and bathroom counters. If I had a real cute little basket I'd probably stop folding them also. There's a bunch of other things that we do to eliminate needless tasks. Please give me your ideas so I can try them. I'm looking for more time for snuggling new and old babies and less time doing things that don't need doing.
Here are just a few others in case any one's in the market for a new idea.
Let dishes air dry instead of drying them with a towel.
Put family socks in two nice boxes by the door. One box is for adult size, the other is for child.
Keep shoes stacked on a book shelf by the door.
Bathe less (except babies and toddlers)
Have less stuff.
Stay home more.
Again, please give me your ideas.
Love, Jennifer


erin said...

I take bath towels that need to be washed and use them to clean the corners of the bathroom. The towels are not technically dirty since they've only been used to dry. As a bonus, they're already moist and thus very effective. I also eat all meals from the pan I cook them in. Erin doesn't really like it when I do either of these things.


erin said...

That is so not true!!! Hahahahahaha! What a stinker! The pan thing is endearing. He started it in college. And...I, too, use my bath towel to wipe down the shower! I guess we need a counseling session!!! ;)