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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The search for scobies in the hood

Today we took a bus and 2 subway trains to meet someone who would give us a few scobies. Hurray! We should have Kombucha again in just over two weeks. A kindly woman agreed to give us some scobies at the subway estacion. While we were out, we walked a couple miles trying to find a bubble tea shop that Leon had located on line. We had to give up and settle for a Yogert Fruz at a mall. Then we headed back home.

If you didn't know any better, you would think by looking around on the bus ride home that we were travelling through the bad part of town. Graffiti is everywhere. (We heard there was no graffiti until the student riots started springing up two years ago.) Every yard is surrounded by high iron fences with spikes on the top. Some have electric fences on top of the spikes. Others have barbed wire on top. It seems almost ridiculous. Many of the yards have dogs. I counted 7 dogs guarding one yard. Windows are barred. Yet it seems quite safe here. The people are warm and friendly. They walk with their children, pushing strollers and kissing their spouses. There is a playground on nearly every corner with families - fathers, mothers, and children playing. I have seen three down syndrome children since Saturday, each seeming to play a loved and valued role in their family.

Tonight we watched our first movie in Chile. It was the 1930's version of Little Lord Fauntleroy. We recommend it.

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