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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Neighborhood photos

 This is the corner of our back yard as seen from the upstairs window. The tree at the back right is an avocado tree. The one on the right is full of ripe lemons.
 This is walking out our front door, looking at the house across the street and our gate.
 Directly outside our gate and facing the park. The park is on the corner past that yellow sign.
 palm trees and clay tiled roofs
 The houses and cement walls are finished with stucco, many times it's brightly colored earth tones. The paths in our neighborhood are surprisingly free of litter. The driveways show off different taste and skills of artistic cement and tile work.
 This is the style of most of the houses around here.
 Asaph holds an avocado in his hand. They aren't ripe yet.

Lemon trees are everywhere. They are sweet and inexpensive. We buy lots.
I look forward to sharing our days with you next week. Tuesday we are riding the bus to meet someone who has a Kombucha starter. Wednesday we are going to the orphanage. Thursday we are going to LaVega. Hopefully, Friday or some day soon we can bus to meet the midwife. Sunday we plan to visit the mountain church. Today we stayed home for our worship meeting. We learned about idols and identified some in our own lives. Things that had been ugly at least make sense now. Aren't we glad that we have a resident counselor?. (the holy ghost).

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