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Thursday, July 26, 2012

once with toast

I like this house, it's the perfect size for us. 4 big boys are in a small bedroom, 3 children sleep in  another and there is one sleeping on each downstairs couch. I use a washing machine that's outside. The ground is tiled and a large blue and white tent is stretched over the area. The sun comes through.The air smells good and is cold and crisp in the AM and comfortably warm the rest of the day. This is winter in Chile.
We wear thick socks and shoes, hats and multiple layers  all day to stay warm inside the cold house even though it is is warm outside in the afternoon. We open windows to let the heat in. I like having Leon home all day. I like sleeping in a small bed so I have to touch and think about him all night. 
I was inspired the other day when I asked, "Disculpe, donde esta el polvo para hornear, porfavor?" and after a bunch of Spanish that I didn't understand I picked out "Nueve" which led me to isle 9 and the baking powder, Success!  We don't really know what we're eating sometimes. We ask God to bless it to our bodies.

Yesterday we walked down to the Feria with 6 bags, some on wheels and some backpacks. We filled them up with 'fruitas y verduras y pisca'. The fruits and vegetables here taste like we always thought they should taste but they never did. We bought tuna and salmon from the open air market at the Feria. We didn't understand what they were saying to us but we ended up with fresh tuna for the equivalent of 5$ a pound filleted for us and salmon for $6 a pound done the same way. It was the best fish we'd every had. We served it with sliced up oranges, kiwi's, and lemons. We blended up about 10 avocados, a head of garlic, the juice from a fresh lemon and a little salt and passed this guacamole to pour over the top of the fish. Wow! We are cooking some of the salmon for lunch today. We have snack time instead of dinner at night. It's called Once (own say). We serve toast or muffins with pineapple, pomegranates, and various fruit and vegi's.
We don't see people holding up signs asking for money. Instead, men at the intersection are juggling or doing something else that they are amazingly skilled at. Then they walk by and collect pesos that are being held out to them.
 There is a nice little park 4 houses down that I can see from my house. 
I like having less stuff to keep track of and to have underfoot and I like walking so much.
There is a lot that I don't like. The Goodenough's aren't really city people you know, but I won't go into that today. 

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