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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

All Are Invited

The story from the Ladies retreat was flagged by my editor as a bit too personal so it's been in revision. I hope to post the remainder soon.
Leon did get the fire lit. Because everyone was ill, we couldn't get enough trees on it. In the morning most of it was gone except those sticks that are shaped like goats. So, in a few days, we'll have another one. I hope this time we will be able to put potatoes in the ashes the next day. They are so very yummy cooked that way.
Don't forget to come to the PELT community meeting the weekend after next. We're making glazed doughnuts. If you don't remember, the PELT meetings are when we all get together and play music, tell stories, poems etc. Many folks just come to enjoy watching and we need them too. You are all invited along with all your friends and acquaintances.

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