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Friday, March 18, 2011

Not the big story

We have been sick all week now. First one, then two, then three, then number one was a little better.... then worse again. Now all nine children are sick and I am feeling it coming. It's a snuggly sickness. The children want me to sit with them, give them water, lightly caress their back, and read them stories. This is the best kind of sickness.

It's hard. I know that God will only allow or give me the amount of sickness that will help me to do His will perfectly, if I will do it.

Meanwhile our bonfire is sitting there needing to be burned and it's been raining and snowing everyday so that we can't light it. Now that it's dry, there is no one well enough to light it. Hmmm. Well, Leon was the first one sick so he's feeling fine now. Tomorrow is Saturday. He can get it lit.

I have to run and snuggle someone. We are mostly all staying in the living room listening to , The Sugar Creek Gang. Have a great weekend. love, jeni

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