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Saturday, May 23, 2020

updating the updates 3/28/13 (written in Chile)

That last post was written a while ago. I am relieved that the visits have slowed down to one or two a day. We can have a valuable interchange with the other folks in the community just by walking around but right now we are trying to catch up. We have had some illness and now everyone has the stomach flu with vomiting. Last night five different people were throwing up. It amazes me how this can be going on and yet there is such an atmosphere of joy and hope. People are poking fun at the situation and are not too miserable.

Yesterday I had a little joke with the neighbor next door. Some people pulled up in a car holding a map and saying something about wanting directions. I totally cheated and just said, "no hablo Espanol, lo siento".  I was really just being lazy and pretending that I didn't speak any Spanish because I didn't want to try. I know, that was lame. It was fun though because the neighbor knew exactly what I was doing (she doesn't speak a word of English). She started saying, "oh, no hablo Espanol, nada", and waving her arms like she was saying, 'just go away'. It was the first time that the neighbor and I shared a joke together. I really like her. She is in her sixties, and believes in God and doing good. She misses her children and her grandchildren. I miss my mom and dad. We share food with each other daily and find ways to help each other. I hope that having my little ones close to them will assuage the loneliness.

We have the bricks for the outdoor oven. A couple folks are coming over tomorrow to show us how to put the bricks, sand, cement and metal drum together to make a fantastic place to bake bread and pizza. I will ask Ephraim or Asaph to help me get photo's on the blog. Our camera broke so that's a little difficult.

Bathing is better now. I have learned that, in a bath,  a little hot water is better than a lot of cold water. Each person gets one tea kettle full of hot water. In the words of Nacho Libre, "It's fantaaaastic".

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