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Friday, January 01, 2016

X Classical

We had a good final holiday, and expect work to be speeding up as we spend less time celebrating various things. Until March, the hectic month, we have a cessation of birthdays in the family.
This morning, we had a traditional Saturday-ish french toast breakfast with Bob Wills playing. It's what we used to do a lot of Saturday mornings up to two years ago, before we stopped eating wheat. We're not actually supposed to be buying bread at all, but I didn't protest this time because Ephraim really, really likes it and it was the New Year anyway.

I'm not sure what music he has playing now, but it involves violin and is not at all detestable (though I can't say the same for swing bluegrass), and he picks his own violin with his fingers to the melody. I couldn't find a harmony for that either; it's much too complicated and new!
He wears a face that says he is completely engrossed, like when you have been riding a bike for long enough that when you get off, you feel like a snail. On one path in his mind, so that it would take a few seconds to adjust to normal life once he quits playing.
The End

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