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Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Vancouver/ One of the best days of my life begins

I went into labor 12/15 at 1:30 pm. The surges were 3 minutes apart. We went for a couple walks, showered, read to Lazuli in between etc. It was a wonderful day. Everyone was happy and hopeful. Most of them were so happy that they were bouncing and giggling.
The surges continues to increase in strength but spread out slowly. At about 11pm we decided to try to sleep. I stopped counting the minutes in between at 1am because they were be slowing down and I thought that I could sleep. Throughout the night I got up and walked around, drank water came back to bed and sometimes slept in between surges.
I finally got a few hours sleep and woke up to a very powerful one. Yet they continue to spread out. They are about 11 minutes apart now and not regular.
We decided to get up and spend today in labor. Tea, walks, showers, candles etc. Zuriel will manage school time with some of those Christmas specials that they've all been waiting for like "Frosty the Snowman". Then we won't feel any pressure or negativity about not having the baby in our arms yet. This is the best labor ever because my mind and heart are focused on trusting God and the body that he made me. I'm letting the baby down and out and not fighting.
This (or whichever day the baby comes) will be one of the best days of my life.
Today is Zion's birthday and he is going to cut the cord.

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