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Saturday, January 05, 2013

the Goodenough's get squished

I thought the last place was small but now that seems luxurious.
We have moved into a tiny two bedroom, one bath apartment for the month of January.
 It's difficult to keep everyone happy and quiet. To cope, all of us climb up and down the 27 flights of stairs, try to keep our normal schedule (minus school), do push ups, and play games etc. There is no swimming pool or TV which I had planned to use every day to survive being cooped up and forced to be quiet.
The kitchen is so small that it's necessary to go to La Vega (which is the giant central feria), every day and buy just enough for that one day. Ephraim takes the biggest children who need to get out.
Our apartment is in the heart of downtown Santiago, on the 22nd floor. Don't worry mom, we are paranoid about the windows and are keeping your grandchildren very safe.
The next plan is to move to a very inexpensive cabin in a beautiful coastal town. The cabin is about the same size as this apartment. Which is about 50 square meters or a little less than 500 sq ft. Every member of the family is enthusiastic about the next move because the area is rural with lots of space to explore in the woods, walk or ride bikes down dirt roads and I think it's possible to even walk down to the beach.
What are we going to do there? We want to love and serve the people there and walk out the gospel while living among them and being a part of their community.


McKennaugh said...

Oh, dear, Goodenoughs!!! Sounds like it's terrible!! 12 people in a place that sounds like it should fit 2! Hope you got my email. We won't have a computer for a couple days, so if you happen to write me back I won't know it for a little while. Try to have a cozy (cozy sounds better than smushed, right?) evening. Love, McKennaugh

edwin said...

Wow!!! Been thinking about you all...challenges. <3 Lots of love! -The Baxters

Mrs. Fordyce said...

Sarah and I were just talking this morning about how we wish we could simplify our lives. We both confessed to having daydreams about living in tiny cabins in the country with huge gardens and lots of room for the children to run around outside.. I know,I have the large garden and lots of room to run outside part, but the complexity of owning a business and having debt and the continual house repairs are beginning to pall on me. Not complaining, just saying - how cool that you will be moving in to my dream cabin! I look forward to seeing pictures and hearing about your newest adventure. Love and prayers!

Anonymous said...

Much love & hugs from Grandma & Grandpa Collins. Looking forward to hearing more about the coastal town like the name & about the cabin. Praying you all stay healthy and can quietly sing His praises even through your confinement in your tiny, lofty apartment.
Love you,

edwin said...

sounds delightful. excercise, closeness, fresh food each are so blessed!!!