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Tuesday, January 01, 2013

December photo's

I have not made the time to blog lately. Thank you for your patience. We are moving into an apartment tomorrow morning. It will be for one month and then we have a big crazy plan. I'm afraid to tell you about it. We'll need lots of love.
Elsie (3)and Zuriel (11)
 Each member of the family will do just about anything to get a smile from Lazuli. (2 months)
 We make doughnuts every Christmas. This year the children made enough to hand out to their friends' families.
We wanted to celebrate Christmas with the Chileans this year so we followed some of their traditions. We waited until midnight on Christmas eve and then we went out and walked around to try to see Santa. The idea is to give him a chance to sneak the presents in. There were lights on in the houses all around the block and when I peeped in I saw a lady pouring wine into several glasses in a candlelit kitchen.
When we got back we were supposed to eat the big Christmas dinner but we just had our traditional snacks and opened presents. We got to bed at 2:30 am. Chileans sleep half the day and then get up and go to the river or the beach. We went to the Smith's for Christmas dinner instead.

Last night was New Years Eve and we brought a little North America with us by banging a pot and hooraying.

1 comment:

edwin said...

Scrumptious! (The Goodenoughs, not the doughnuts.)