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Monday, April 18, 2016

Velas Part 5

On the way back from the store, we noticed a 520 (the only bus from Valpo that went there, to Laguna Verde) stopping at the corner. The doors opened and some people got off.
A 520 always gets me kind of excited. It seems so full of potential. If I'm in Valpo when I see one, I think, If I were to get on right now I'd go home. And if I'm at the stop Tierras Rojas, which is by our house, I think, I could go get food from Valpo (plus an empanada) if I just got on that bus. It's a pleasant drive too. Course if I'm in the Pueblo and I see it, it seems like I always think, I just missed it!
The thing that got me excited this time, though, was no less than the fact that the people that got off were gringos! That is, from afar whence we couldn't even see the color of their hair, we could tell just by their bearing that they came from North America.
Asaph and I looked at each other and raised our eyebrows. How rare it is for such people to come all the way up here!
"Gringos!" I exclaimed.
Yes. Even now, it had not yet occurred to me that they might have something to do with us since we were originally from North America as well. I guess we forgot, a lot of the time, that we weren't Chileans (despite the stares we often got from them).
"Come on!" I said. That meant we were going to follow them and see where'all they would go and watch them and their foreign antics.

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