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Tuesday, April 05, 2011

goings on

We had a good Pelt community meeting. It was a little smaller but, very sweet. This time we had ; one band, one solo act, a duet, one true story, one magic trick and a bee hive demonstration. Don't miss the next one if you are in the area.

It is such a good opportunity to bridge the gap between people who like different kinds of music as well as reach out to others in the area, keep our children from becoming snobs , preach the gospel to each other, learn how to share in front of a group etc.

This May we are going to Yellowstone National Park for a whole week. Then in the middle of May our home church group is entering a contest. We are VERY excited about it. We will have 48 hours to make a 5-10 minute film. There is a prize but, we are doing it for the learning opportunity. Then at the end of May we go to Oregon to my annual family reunion. We hope to also see the other grandma's and grandpa's and maybe (if time permits) some friends.

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