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Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Calli Part 1

(This is a true story about my friends. They are still there in Europe, but they have to leave soon with or without Kolya. Please, please, petition God to intercede and place lonely Kolya in a family. I have changed all the names for now)

Calli Part 1:
My name is Calli. My family and I live in America but today we are waking up in Europe! I am very excited. Today we are going to the orphanage to get Kolya. He is a little 4 year old boy who has no one to love him.
My dad tells me that I should try to eat but, I keep thinking, "what will Kolya be like? will he like me?"
The train ride is 15 hours long and when I finally arrive I am so tired.

I go with my family into the mental institution that Kolya has been moved to.
Something is wrong. They won't let us in. They say that they found his 2 aunts and the aunts refuse to let him be adopted.
I am worried, but my mom and dad say, "It is good that he has a family now to take care of him". "no,no", the worker says, they don't want him. They will leave him here.

Oh, how can this be? I know that Leaving him here means, he won't be able to have surgery, to run and play. Maybe he will never get a chance to walk, He will never go outside, never get enough to eat, never be read to, never be loved. He will die here, alone. We beg them, but they refuse.

Our facilitator tells us that we must get on the train now and travel 15 hours back to our hotel. We go. I know that each hour is another hour farther away from Kolya. be continued

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