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Friday, April 08, 2011

Calli Part 2

Please remember these children (I have changed the names). They are real children and they are really there, today, and tomorrow and maybe for many tomorrows.

Calli Part 2:
On another day I go with my family into a different orphanage. I meet a child named Ivan, he has a smile and laugh that lights up the dismal place. He has Hydrocephalus and is blind. I think that He doesn't know he is blind. I wish that he could have surgery so that his head wouldn't hurt. "Bye, bye, Ivan" I say, "I will try to come see you tomorrow". Later I find out that Ivan has a family coming for him from America. This is the happiest news that I have heard all day.

In another crib I meet Rasla. He is 2. I hold him for a few minutes and say,"little darling you are so gentle and sweet. I think from your smile, that you must be an angel", I think to myself, how can he survive in this mean place.

David is not happy. His vacant brown eyes have given up hope. He was seen happy once when his grandmother came to see him. I wish that I could take him to her now to live with her.

The last child that I am allowed to see is Anton. He was recently brought to this orphanage and left here because he has Down Syndrome. I wonder if he knows he is alone now. I wonder if he knows that they are not coming back to get him.

They are making us leave now. I start to cry.

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