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Friday, April 22, 2011

April snow and updates

It's been snowing every day for the past several weeks. During the day it will snow and then sun, then hail, then snow again. Sometimes the snow covers the ground but you can still see the tips of the grass blades. The highlight of the strange weather for me was last week. I stood out on the lawn under blue sky sipping hot chocolate. It was sunny and cold and snowing.

This picture was taken this morning from the front porch. There were 2 inches on the ground. Now at 1:30 it is almost gone and the sun is shining here and there in between the white snow clouds. I can see my laundry on the line out there in the sun. I hung it while the snow was blowing in my face, knowing that it would be dry by the next day. I love seeing it out there but it is miserably cold on my fingers to handle wet laundry outside in snow weather.

One of my delights these days has been laying in bed praying for the little ones in those cribs that our friends the Kelley's have been visiting. I am excited to go to bed every night. I say to myself, "now I get to be with Levina."

Here are some things coming up for us: We will soon be taking a week vacation to Yellowstone National Park. We are excited to be together and also to get to know our friends the Hockstettler's. They will be staying in a room next to us. After that we are looking forward to making a short film with the church that we meet with. Then we all get back in the van and head to Oregon for our annual family reunion at the beach. Wow! what a line up. This year the reunion is extra special because we have added Zion and Simeon to our family!

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