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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

They told me she wasn't worth fighting for

My own, small girl, fearfully and wonderfully made. I'm amazed that anyone could have ever neglected her precious body and the important person that she is. …Before I went and got her and took her home with me.
I take her into a warm bath in my arms, breathe on her face and whisper in her ear words of comfort and adoration. I hold her pale hand in the water and slowly open her tight fist. Her fingers keep shutting and I keep caressing them open. Her arms loosen a little. Most of the time they are crossed stiffly across her chest but I can open them and she loves it when I do.
I taught her how to smile. She is smiling now. Although people look past her uncomfortably, her friends and family do not. We enjoy looking at her. From her large chestnut colored eyes slowly blinking their peaceful acceptance though they do not see, down to her crooked little foot. We wash it and kiss it.
All our ears are thrilled when she speaks. We don't know what she is saying but we all lean forward to agree with her.
The pretty teen age girls can't get a look from our tall handsome son but he drops the whole world to pick up her perfect broken body and tease her. I wonder if he's too rough, but no, they have a special understanding that doesn't involve me.
 Each day we worship God by loving her.
Some day Jesus will come to claim her.  He will say, "it is done, I know that the purpose I created you for was painful.  I know there were times when people said, ‘He should just take her home', but I had an important purpose for you.  Now it’s done. It’s okay to let go now".
Then the world will be a worse place and our eyes will more easily travel upwards, for the image of God that was resting on her will be gone away from us.


1 comment:

erin said...

I love her too.