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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Be Angry

(This is a true story, I have changed her name)
Dear, sweet, smiling Ehna lived and died in bed 17. She never went outside, or saw the sun. She lived her whole life wanting someone to come for her. Three months before she died it was reported that a missionary came to the orphanage. She visited Ehna and Ehna begged her to be her mama.

A family that I know was waiting for their paperwork to be processed so they could go and make her their little girl.

If someone could have come sooner she could have had her surgery and known love, and family. She could have been a little girl laying in the sun and playing tag with her papa.

Above is a picture of Ehna at age 9 and below she is 15.
There are many children waiting there still. Please pray for one little boy that I know of who is facing a life time alone in a crib like Ehna. He has a chance for life and family love right now, but he is being denied it. Please pray that those making the decision will be moved with compassion and mercy. What would qualify for righteous indignation more than this?

1 comment:

McKennaugh said...

We are here in Ukraine now and just looking back over all of your posts. How much we wanted to be the ones to hold Leyehna and make her laugh. It is hard sometimes for our family to remember that being with Jesus is even better. We still came to Ukraine to rescue little ones to bring into our family. Thank-you for always remembering Leyehna, Jeni... and all the little ones just like her.
The Kelleys