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Monday, February 14, 2011

Sweet Ehna

In 1995 God chose to reward a young woman with a beautiful
baby girl. Ehna was made in the image of God and
created to do good work which He planned in advance for her
to do. She was a blessing and an inheritance from God. She
was soon diagnosed with hydrocephalus; a condition that can
be treated with medication or by surgery.

Her condition was left untreated and she was abandoned to
an orphanage. When she was 4 years old Ehna was
transferred to a mental institution. Here, she lay
undressed on a sheet of plastic because there were no
diapers. She laid in her own waste in a room full of
moaning children with an aching head.

Birthdays came and went. She couldn't even have a toy or
anything to interest her while she lay for long hours
waiting, staring at the ceiling. Ehna was one of 25-30
children waiting for one worker to take care of them. If
the worker could work for 15 hours straight, this would
give her 30 minutes to spend with each child. This would
be all the time Ehna would have each day for interaction
and would include washing and feeding her.

When Ehna was nine years old the little boy next to her
died. All the children around her were so small and weak.
They were all over four but, because of untreated
illnesses, malnutrition and lack of any stimulation or love
they didn't grow.

When Ehna turned 10 there was no birthday party. Her
day was just the same: a bed and a room full of children
crying out for help with no one answering them. No one told
her that she looked older, because she didn't.

Ehna had a friend in the bed next to hers named
Christian. One day Christian became ill.
Ehna worried about her best friend. Both girls were 11
and both had the same medical condition. One day in May
Christian died.

More of her birthdays passed, without her even knowing....
and, yet, she still stayed the same. She was still the size of a
three year old even though she was 15. She never learned to
crawl or sit up and could barely speak. She couldn't even pick up her head because of the Hydrocephalus and poor conditions. In 15 years she had never had a chance to go outside. Oh, the violence of the hatred that the world showed her.

Then one day...
He walked in.
She knew him.
He had never left her these 15 years.

But, today something was different.
Today, he picked her up, held her close.. and
carried her outside
Some of the children that she left behind
heard her say,
"I see it,.. the sun!"

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