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Thursday, April 09, 2020

The virus of trusting in those who do not trust in The Creator

 We moved into our new house and began a new job just in time, just before the quarantine. The world has given leave of their senses and locked down. People have stopped going to work. Community and fellowships have become illegal. Societies around the world are proving to the deep state and the powers that be, that yes, they can control our lives, yes, we will roll over and do whatever they tell us to do and believe whatever they say without even trying to think for ourselves. Here we are in our big new house with symptoms of the dreaded virus. We have been pretty much stuck at home for two weeks and mostly having a great time.

Things got scary during the first week though. One night when one of our older children couldn't breathe, we rushed her to the emergency room. I thought that it was the end of the world. I was terrified. She was breathing fine by the time we got there. They gave her a painful test and sent her home. They didn't offer any advice for further episodes of struggling to breathe which continued to occur. We immediately started asking, begging really, for prayer.

After that we began talking to a nurse and a doctor. They both advised exercises to keep phlegm from thickening and hourly steam treatments during the day and night. Once we began waking her during the night and giving her zinc and other supplements she rapidly improved.

I believe that we all experienced the virus. It was fairly mild for the rest of us and never kept us in bed or stopped us from playing and laughing. Now our immune systems are stronger and we have life long immunity to this virus just like the others that we face and get through every flu season. I was reminded through this time to treat our bodies like the temple of God that they are and to trust God instead of being fearful.

It's never fun to be sick and every year people die... from sickness, accidents, violence etc. We are not put on this earth to be comfortable and live as long as we can. We are here to glorify God and it's up to Him whether that takes one day of earthly life or 120 years.

 This is God's house where we hope to live for a while. The room with the fire place is going to be a great place to gather for worship and prayer. We can really pack people in there and get cozy.

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