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Thursday, December 10, 2015

I Guess This is Extra Long to Make Up For Missed Days

I'm not going to say much about this first little adventure today, but here is what I will say--
I had started some lentils going that morning, but they naturally weren't going to be ready for hours. Ephraim and I both felt rather low, since we hadn't had breakfast (mind you, we could have made it but can you believe how lazy we were! Neither of us wanted to eat raw vegetables and we didn't have oil to fry them or salt either. So we just didn't eat! We are kind of dumb too; it takes both laziness and lack of intelligence to neglect such a thing.) All of a sudden, a knock was heard at the door. It was the Coles, those who had sold us the house, come by to visit! Oh, sorry, I was going to make this part short...
They took us out to eat. My badness, that felt good.
Okay, that was too short. I'm used to letting stuff stretch out as long as I feel like, but I'll learn this new writing technique eventually.

"Hey there Ragamuffin!" A cheerful voice sounded behind me at the store. I was feeling quite cheerful myself, and it pleased me to think that someone else was having a good day. For a second the thought didn't cross my mind that she was addressing me, since I still haven't looked up "ragamuffin" after getting home.
But, looking out of the corner of my eye I recognized a person I had talked to before, who had complimented me on my clothes and talked to me about sewing.
"Oh, hi," I waved, laughing as awkwardly as I possibly could. I can't help it! And then getting even more embarrassed.

Ephraim met me near the butter, where I knew we were going to have a debate on whether to buy the healthiest or the cheapest and whether the difference in price was equal to the difference in quality.
I put the butter on top of the pile in my arms. When we got over to the other thing Ephraim likes to buy, we each used our free hand to help fill the bag.
"We should do this every time. Not use a basket, I mean; then we'll know how full the backpack is going to be." Both of our armfuls were the right amount to fill it.
As soon as we got home, we knew we weren't going to have saltless lentils for dinner.
"Alright!" Ephram said. "The first thing I want to do is have some good food!"
"Yeah!" Believe it!
Then we did, and BAM the energy to do more forms came to us and we did fifteen each.
Thank God my card arrived today! There would have been some difficulty had it not, for we were just out of food and were writing a song where the chorus goes,
"And I'm out far from home
With nothing but a penny and a nickel and a can of green beans." Trust me, it sounds cool when we play it even if it doesn't when your inside voice reads it. Tell your inside voice to correct itself. It's basic reading skills, tell it.
The End

1 comment:

Jennifer Goodenough said...

I think that sounds like a great song. I want to hear the rest of the lyrics where you talk about your living situation a little more and the pitiful and humorous comes out.