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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Lazuli and KungFu photo

Darling Lazuli- She was our little screamer until recently. Now that she can start to understand her complex feelings with words, she doesn't have to scream. I usually have to figure it out and give her the words for how she feels. Then I have to sympathize with those feelings and then she's okay. She takes a lot of time. She is so worth it. The difficulties make the trust and attachment between us more valued by us.
Ephraim (20), Naphtali (11), Jennifer (the mama), Havilah (18), Zuriel (14),
Nehemiah (7) is also at this KungFu testing (promotion) but Sifu let's him sit down because he is so young. We take turns testing our sparring skills. Sometimes we are all fighting at the same time. In this photo, Mr. Baxter is probably sparring with Erin or Sifu. We are required to stand in horse stance without moving for a long time. I practiced every morning for 3 months to be able to stand for 15 or more minutes whenever asked to. We are doing it poorly in this photo. Our legs should be bent more so that we are lower. We must be at the end of our testing and about ready to drop. Testing lasts 3 1\2 or 4 hours. We also sit still on our legs a lot. We all have to practice this daily coming up to a test. Even so, it's painful after a while. Of course the higher our rank the more time we actually spend showing off. This photo is two testings ago.
Currently Havilah is advanced green, I am green (that means we both have the honor of wearing black shirts now). Ephraim has a blue sash, Zuriel has a blue also but is testing up this month to Blue\ green. Naphtali is in the kids class and is testing up to purple\blue belt. Nehemiah is testing up to purple belt. Elsie is in class but won't be ready to test for while.

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