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Monday, November 12, 2012

family photo's with the new baby

Nehemiah is stirring eggs for everyone on the morning that I'm laboring.

I was looking at Lazuli the day that she was born and saying to Leon, "I look at her and I don't even know her. She feels like a stranger." Of course at the time, I didn't even know her name. Now I KNOW her. She's my little girl. She is a part of me and a part of Leon who I know and love so well. I can't imagine life without her. She is a valuable and essential part of our family.
Elsie is so happy to have a chance to be a big sister.
For three days I stayed in bed and was waited on like a queen. They brought me meals and treats and teas. I drank gallons of hot eucalyptus tea made from the plants that my midwife grew. I had a pretty bad cough those days.

After her first bath I didn't worry about diapering her but just wrapped her up in a warm blanket and snuggled her until she was as warm as toast. This is the way we still do it. She is two weeks old now.
Nehemiah's first time holding his little sister. He loves her so much.
Grandma Goodenough made this perfect little baby bag when we were all sure that we were having a boy. How did she know?
Zuriel and Lazuli

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