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Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Yesterday we watched the clock and had contractions from morning until late at night every 10-25 minutes. Alas, no labor and no baby.
Today we met our new midwives for the first time. Our other midwives thought that these would match our personalities better. Since we don't speak much Spanish and the midwives don't speak any English, it's too hard to argue so we just go along with whatever they say. Of course we make sure that they can agree to our birth plan.
These new midwives are wonderful. They are hippies like we are used to with midwives. We knew that we had stumbled across the right ones when we asked where we could get certain herbs and they told us that they are growing them organically at their house. Then they told us that we didn't need to speak the same language during the birth because we will let the body do what it knows how to do, and what I, an experienced mama know how to do. That's just how we like our midwives to talk.
I'm going to bed now. I've been having good contractions every 15 minutes for a couple hours and I need to be rested if labor starts tonight.
If you have compassion, please pray that I will be fearless during my delivery. Thank you friends.


kevin and allegra said...

Praying for you! Can't wait to hear.....

messengerfamily said...

Of course we will continue to pray!

Sally said...

praying for baby is exit smoothly and happily. And that you fear not but trust much! xxx