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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

To do: melty chocolate time

We closed on our new house today. It's Leon's birthday. Our mini van is loaded up with 17 bins. As soon as we get the call to come and pick up the keys, we will deliver that first load.
We pick up the moving van in two days. There are so many things to do. I must order a big load of wood chips right away to get the garden started. I have to plan the food and buy the groceries for the move. Of course I still have some packing to do, but I am out of bins and boxes.

I need to jog, prepare dinner, and have special time with Nelinha, Lazuli and Elsie.
Special time is when I snuggle with one of the little ones and read their special book to them. Nelinha's special books are all the toddler picture books like, Thomas the Train and Pooh Bear etc. Lazuli has me reading all the Narnia books in Spanish. We have tea or a Bio Coffee and some sort of healthy snack. Lately it's a small square of 90% chocolate. It has to be placed into the other persons mouth and then chewed while maintaining eye contact. While chewing we make loving faces at each other and say, "mmm , so goood".
It's a bonding trick I learned when I was raising my two adopted sons with Reactive Attachment Disorder.

I need to write cards to all the elderly that I am friends with at the nursing home. I am not allowed to visit them right now because of the Corona virus. I really want to get aggressive about making the house look as simple and plain as I can. I just need to go from one end of the house to the other putting everything away or moving it to the door to be loaded up in the second car load or in the truck load. It shouldn't be that hard, the house is only 1000 sq ft.
I feel a sadness to leave the simplicity of our tiny home. I can look up from any part of the home and see and hear everyone else. We always enjoy being close. Yet, it is time to move. It will be fun to stretch out, sew again, garden again, and offer more comfortable hospitality. It's time to have more than one bathroom. Leon and I love sleeping in a tiny room that we share with a triple bunk full of girls, but it will also be fun to have our own private room again. It will be God's house just like this one is and He can use it as He will. He can take it away. Our desire and our purpose for living will not change.

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