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Thursday, June 30, 2016

Sticky Sweet

Today was a sweet success. Ephraim is the beekeeper in our family. He taught and led extraction class today. It was no joke and at the end he was emotionally exhausted. 
His hands-on class included ; Asaph, Zion, Zuriel, Naphtali, Nehemiah, Elsie, and Lazuli. Everyone got a chance to help retrieve frames from the bees (they didn't seem to mind since they have plenty), un-cap frames, turn the handle on the extractor, strain the honey, pour into jars and chew on lots and lots of honey in the comb. 
Over 5 gallons of honey sit shining on my table. All was washed up and the bees back at work cleaning up their hives by afternoon.
I have to say that if I had been doing holiday baking and snacking on sugar all morning, I would have felt very gross by afternoon. After eating our own raw honey and chewing on the comb all morning I felt invigorated and energized. Our Creator makes the best candy. It nourishes, and protects.
 My children wouldn't say that we don't eat sweets in this family. Have you tried a bowl of garden strawberry's drizzled with raw honey and covered with whipped raw cream lately? Me either, let's go gather some up and celebrate God with someone we love.
 Asaph made this short video about the honey extraction:

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