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Friday, May 20, 2016

leaving comfortable part 2

Ephraim and Havilah were the first heroes. They went out there when it was infested with cockroaches and demolished the rotten walls and floor. They were adults and made the choice to live in terrible conditions of cold, filth, and infestation without indoor sink or toilet while working all day on the house and attempting to eat as healthy as they could without sugar and processed food. There was a day when Leon and I called them and Ephraim sighed and said, "I don't want to demolish anymore. It's so depressing in here, I need to begin rebuilding now". So they did.

 Leon and I and the rest of the family were planning to start our trip when the house was ready.  However, Necessity was the mother of crazy ideas.
One day when we couldn't balance an overstretched budget, I said, "what if we tell dad that we don't need to rent his house anymore and we move into our house in Bartlesville right away!?"
I was surprised when Leon didn't  answer with an immediate "No", but looked as though a light had just dawned in his mind. "Can we do that? ... let's call Ephraim and see what he thinks".
Ephraim responded with a whoop! It was settled then, we would start packing right away and drive away from our Vancouver house in a little less than a month.
We moved into a construction zone and sought to keep 5 small children out of the hard hat area while the adult children worked the power tools inside the house for going on 5 1/2 months now. They all apprenticed under Leon and Ephraim, learning new skills every day. The students of Bravery House had just received a huge boon to their education.

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