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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Send me your peaceful natural birth stories please/ Day in Town

Leon and I went on a date today. It was probably our last big date before we meet our new child face to face. We took one bus and two Subway trains. When we came up to the city we got to see a New Orleans's style band. Later, on crossing the street I was surprised by a brown wrinkled face with missing teeth and dirty hands and clothes. He looked totally natural in his environment. What surprised me was when he suddenly started playing a full sized harp. It was beautiful and made me feel more like I was going barefoot through a meadow of flowers than downtown amid horns and masses of people.
I've never actually seen a harp in real life. It was as dirty as he was and maybe that's why I hadn't noticed it before. There was so much to distract me. Cars and taxi's were everywhere, the buildings were tall, I was holding Elsie by the hand and trying to keep her from running into poles, people and potholes and besides that, everyone was staring at us.
The people here don't just stare passively. They smile and watch us as we go by. Sometimes they say things to each other about us and then they laugh and comment openly. If it happened in North America it would be terrible. Here, we feel that it's friendly. We're glad to give them something to laugh about. Whenever we can tell what they are saying, it's always something nice like, "grande familiar".
On our date we ate lunch at a very nice little Italian style pizza place. We ate outside under a tent surrounded by plants and large, old, stone buildings. I had wanted pizza for a while and I enjoyed it very much.
After that we went Pharmacy hopping for Vitamin K, D, Oregano oil and a couple other things. Each Pharmacy had one of the things that we needed and then we tried to follow instructions to another one and couldn't understand well enough.
We found a bathroom in a mall so I paid the $300 pesos to the lady and took Elsie in. She didn't charge me for Elsie. Three and under must get in for free. It's a good thing that I had brought my own toilet paper.

On the Subway home, we had to call the midwives because they were meeting at our house and we were going to be a bit late. Chileans are usually quite late so we probably didn't need to call but, we thought that we should. The subway was packed, so most people didn't have seats. I was sitting and the Chileans were standing facing me, holding onto the bars. Leon couldn't even get close because of the crowd. I called the midwife and attempted to speak in Spanish. She doesn't speak a word of English. It was pretty humiliating. Everyone could hear me struggling with a few words and every once in a while calling to Leon across the group and asking him how to say something. We did actually get the important information communicated but I ended the conversation with, "Lo siento, yo correo electronica en mi casa hoy". Which I did, as soon as I got home.

I thought all day that I was going to go into labor. I don't feel it so much today but I am hoping that it will be soon. I am in need of birth stories and videos that communicate peaceful and fear less births. If you could send me links that are particularly helpful, please send them to me for encouragement.

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