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Sunday, October 07, 2012

Girls group goodbye

One night five old friends sat under the stars shivering a little. They leaned in for warmth and confidentiality.
After a few moments, Jen said slowly, "I thought Bunco was for old ladies when you first asked me to play 17 years ago."

Marla smiled and answered, "We each had a newborn then and now those babies have facial hair and are talking about college and marriage."
Annette looked toward Jen but couldn't see her. "Jen, I remember you saying that we were going to keep meeting each month while our children grew up and moved out,.. Until we became grandma's, grew old and eventually died,".

"I'm sorry, girls, said Jen. You know that It's because of our meetings through the years that I even have the strength to go now. I would not be the same without you."
They talked for a while and then sat quietly watching the trees and shadows move around silently in the dark.
After a while tears welled up in Jen's eyes and she spoke, "I want to have close friends where I am going, but I don't want to betray you. You have always been my best friends."
Charissa answered confidently, "We want you to make friends. We want you to make friends that are closer than us... that's what would make us happy."
"Yes, we all want that for you," assured Christi.
Everyone cried. It was a good time.
 I miss them all, especially at this time in my life when I am waiting for the birth of my baby. We all want our best old girl friends and our Mama with us when a new life comes.

(There are 5 friends in our group. We were not all there that night but I wrote it this way because we were always together in our hearts even when someone was missing. I love you all very much.)

(I will not be alone. I have a new friend that will be here to share the birth and my 2 greatest comforts; my husband and my Lord.)

1 comment:

Marla Rae said...

I love you, Jennifer! Your friendship will always be a wonderful blessing. We miss you, too, and admire you greatly.