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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I Am Alex

(The following is a true story from a couple weeks ago. I have changed the name. Please remember this child in your prayers.)

I am Alex. I am 5 years old. I am just like you. I long to be somebody's. I live in a small round crib in the middle of a room full of children. No on plays with me. No one talks to or touches me except that unfriendly lady who comes to change my diapers and feed me.

I spend most of my time looking at the bars and the ceiling. There is a
horrid TV screen very close to my crib. It is loud, and on it I see blood and screaming. I don't like it but, I stare at it. It makes me feel so very dark and scared inside.

There are some strange people here today. I like them. I want them to come over, but the lady who changes me stops them. She keeps stopping them. Then, they come. They visit me for a long

The next day they come back and visit me again. One of them jumps me up and says, "boing". I love that. She does it again and again and each time, I love it. I laugh as loud as I can. I hug them and love them with all my strength. When they leave, I wish that I could go with them.

This is the end of the last day they will visit me.
I see long shadows across the floor. They are gathering up their things. I know it's time for them to leave. When they are gone I will close my eyes and hear their kind voices and dream of them coming back and never leaving me again.

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