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Thursday, August 31, 2006

fixing the house amid laughing children with dripping paint

Hello and sorry for the long delay. Is anyone reading this?
The kids and I (Jennifer) have a job opportunity that we may be able to do if we're in a suitable place by September or October. We can buy a house on a few acres with an outbuilding to accomplish this. However, Leon has to have a full time job to get the loan. This would be the house we would plan to stay in and really settle down. We could plant a large garden, get chickens and really make it efficient and sweet for us. Leon needs a full time job to get the loan for that house as we plan to keep this one for our first rental.
Pray for a full time job please.
Today Leon said we are almost out of money. Then the man installing the heat and air system said he wanted to buy the trailer. He's become a good friend to us so we were glad to sell it to him. He gave us $1,250. That more than doubled our money. I knew God would provide for us and it's fun to see how he does it.
We have already had the electric and plumbing fixed. We couldn't get home owners insurance with our current heating system so that is all done and paid for. They also wouldn't let us get a trampoline. That was a real disappointment as we've never had one and always told the kids,"wait until we move". the central air and heat and all we've done so far have increased the value a lot.
We need to finish painting the inside and install a dishwasher which we are getting for only $50. Then we still need to paint the outside (for this I'm glad it's a fairly small house). We also have some rotten wood on the add on and we need to add gutters. Oh, and the old septic tank needs to be filled in before we can allow the children in the back yard. When we install a shower we can replace the rotten wood on the bathroom floor. The den and kitchen should probably have new linoleum or tile but, it's not crucial unless we want to sell it. When it's all done we can refinance. Wow, I didn't realize there was so much left to do.
God is giving us the strength to work and enjoy our family. We have made a lot of friends. Nancy Campbell and my Titus 2 friends are a great source of encouragement that I'm drawing on.
Leon came home yesterday and said the placing agency has a full time job he could probably start in a week or two. That means we have to get this place ready to rent fast.

Well, I guess we can't shop at Walmart anymore. They are giving so much money to promote homosexual marriage and acceptance. I guess I can shop at a grocery store that's owned locally. I've been able to buy raw cow milk from the natural foods store for $5 a gallon. I'm still in shock over that one.
Actually, I have so much more to say. I better stop. I'll write soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am reading this...every day I check it!!!

Love, Erin