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Saturday, July 01, 2006

Gaylord and Reality

After leaving Craig and Shari Smith's house we went to David and Teresa Alexander's. This is Leon's sister and brother in law. We had a great time visiting with our family including nieces and nephew's. I've been reading another George Mueller book. He's my favorite Hero of the faith. He reminded me that I haven't been believing God enough. So, I'm very excited about my prayers as of late.

Now we're at the Gospel For Asia conference. It is at the Gaylord Texan hotel here in Texas. Our room faces the atrium. It is a giant atrium with waterfalls, ducks, fountains, restaurants, gunfighter shows and paths we haven't even walked on yet. the ceiling is very far up. I have no idea how they would change the glass if a panel broke or change one of the many lights up there if it burned out. the whole area is cool and has a strange greenish tint to my eyes. It's surreal. I don't really like it, it feels weird. When we go across the atrium to one of the other sides it reminds me of a mall I went to once in Las Vegas. Clothes stores, tall luxurious ceilings, coffee shop, shoe shining spot etc,,,.
Leon is the only one who can attend the conference and is learning a lot. The service is bad at this hotel. I think they must know that we are one of the $85 per night conference people and are not paying the usual $225 per night.
It's hard to walk around this luxurious area and not want to fit in to the opulence. I tend to try to communicate "I'm one of you, rich and proud and used to being waited on". I look at myself before going out. Instead of thinking, "do I look like a servant of Jesus? Am I ready to love everyone I see?" I am tempted to think, "do I look acceptable to them? Can I pass as someone who belongs here?" Stop Jennifer, "Lord help me. I'm not supposed to fit in here but, I am desperately needed here. I don't have the lifestyle that they have but, I have something they desperately need and long for in the depths of their hearts.
Tomorrow we head for Wisconsin. We'll camp on the way. I'm so glad to be almost there. Please pray for my brave uncle Harold. Pray that God will extend his life if it's His will. I want to glean from him and have my children learn from him too.
Thanks for listening. Serve God as though your life is almost over and all that matters is people being in relationship to the savior. That's the reality.


Anonymous said...

Just letting you guys know we are reading your blog and enjoying it, and that we are praying for you guys on your journey, that the Lord would go before you, and that his mercies would be new every morning. God bless you sojourners!

The Taylors

Anonymous said...

thank you for the reality check Jenny - I have been trying to be salt and light to Laurie and I needed that. We're praying that you will get to spend some moments with Harold before he goes home to see the Lord.
We love and miss you.