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Thursday, July 13, 2006

May the Lord never quit...

When we were almost to Wisconsin we called to say we'd be coming in a day early, so much was our eagerness to get home. There had been a date mix up and the house wouldn't be vacant until July 9th. So we went to the Cornerstone festival and camped there 5 nights. It was good. We swam everyday and slept to the beating of drums and monster vocals of the HM stage. We were uplifted very much by the Kirkegaard sessions. We had some enlightening conversations with the young adults that we met. A couple of them said that we inspired them about God just by riding our bikes around with our children and loving them so much.

Finally on our way, Leon and I had a foreboding feeling because our phone had died just after we talked to Winnie on July 3rd. Some of you may know that Harold took a turn closer to heaven just after that. We drove all day and pulled in around 6 pm.Winnie put her hand on our shoulder and said "you know, you guys are walking by faith" She then told us Harold wouldn't speak to us again. They had taken him to the hospital and cranked his pain killers up very high and his mind was confused. The drugs would kill him in a few days. Later when I did visit the hospital uncle Harold did speak to me. He said "oh Jennifer, I love you." He also put out his arms and hugged me for a long time. It was a wonderful exchange. I think that was the best visit with uncle Harold I've ever had. (Jenn)

Pray for us. We need direction. We knew the risk when we left, but we all believed Harold had more time. Harold's property managers, Darrel and Kris Hoffman are so great. We met with them and they told us Harold is like a father to them. They said they would help us all they could, but they wouldn't be able to really 'mentor' us like Harold could have. We believe God will continue to direct us, pray we will be good listeners and faithfully and obediently move in the new direction He has for us.

Leon and Jenn

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