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Friday, January 14, 2011

encouraging strong immune systems

A friend recently asked how we stay healthy and keep from contaminating everyone when someone is ill.

We don't worry too much about contaminating everyone. We are sticklers for washing hands regularly and not touching our faces especially the ears, eyes, nose and mouth. I say, "get your fingers out of your mouth". Quite often.
We try to keep our immune systems strong. We try to stay away from any refined or processed foods. We have a wonderful tonic that actually works. I got the recipe from . We all take tonic when we eat too many sweets or feel something coming on.

Tonic: 2 jalapenos, 1 whole head of garlic , 2 Tablespoons ginger, 1 Cup onions. All are fresh produce, peeled and chopped. Put all in a quart glass container and fill up with raw, apple cider vinegar. Let it sit for 6 weeks or more. You can take out the veggie's at that time and put them in a yummy spicy spaghetti.

I call, "Line up", grab a hand full of Tablespoons and feed one to each child (except the wee one) and myself. It's pretty fun and everyone likes it. They ask for more. Simeon thought he didn't like it when he first came but, peer pressure won out and now he takes it along with the rest.

We also benefit greatly from putting Hydrogen Peroxide in our ears when we feel something coming on. You can learn more about that from Dr Mercola. If that doesn't work we put a cotton ball dipped in warmed coconut oil and garlic or just plain breast milk into the ear.
So far, we have not had to take any antibiotics for ear infections these 16 years. We still get sick but, we are able to treat it at home most of the time.

Thank you for asking, I am honored that you let me share my experiences with you. Truly.

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