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Monday, June 15, 2020

Letters To Zurielle/ pinatas and the souls of ice

Zurielle, read these stories slowly.
Picture Lazuli's huge, blue eyes.
Five of us were driving back from Aldi. Lazuli was singing a long droning melody about what she was seeing. "and th-e-en then we passed a stop sign. and the-e-en then we saw a guy on a bike. and the-e-en then we saw a pinata....."
Naphtali stopped her, "Do you even know what a pinata is?"
"Yes" she responded almost offended "it's a hat!"
Then she took up the melody again and sang it All the way home. I noticed that she did not claim to pass any more pinata's.

I hope that the light of His face is shining through you today and that your face is radiant. We are well. We are all going hiking and maybe swimming at the falls today after the gathering of the church. I think that Nick is coming along. Next weekend Naphtali and Nehemiah invited a couple dozen young men over to have an airsoft party. I'll get some pictures for the blog. Here is something that I found humorous on the way home yesterday.

We passed a drive thru snacks shack. I said, "oh, look children- don't worry about that ice... it's saved"
Mia said, "what?... saved?"
"yes", I said, "it's saved ice" Then Naphtali and I both started laughing. Mia looked very confused, so I said, "The H fell off -so it's saved"
I could tell that didn't help. Nehemiah was not laughing. He asked, "where did it fall?"
I said, "I imagine,.. onto the ground"
Mia said, "....what?"
I understood then what his confusion was, "you mean what part of the word could use an H.. ..Haven't you ever heard of shaved ice!?"
Apparently not.

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