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Saturday, January 16, 2016

Pictures of Progress

Here are some pictures of what we've been doing.

Here's what it looks like out the door when it rains, except... No more outhouse!
A beautiful picture taken by Ephraim.

Under the house, the water of Ink Lake is clear yet black because of the lack of light. 
He also took that one.

Chili, Chicken soup, and rice with butter. This is what I do after we go shopping--make food.

Ephraim made this woven-wood frame when he lacked a screen. It holds the sugar-water-hardened-stuff below, topped with delicious smelling (and really, really weird tasting) pollen patty. It's for the bees.

I'll tell you a little story about the above pollen patty. When you unwrap it, you wouldn't believe the amazing smell of it. Like beeswax and flowers. Ephraim and I were commenting on it, wondering if it was edible. We both took a nibble without consulting the other, unable to sate our curiosity in any way but that.
We both agreed that it was very unexpected, having the taste we anticipated plus a strong citrus flavor.

The bathtub was in that box on the right. I myself actually cut and put in all of the insulation you see, which task at first seemed utterly beyond my skill level and turned out to be very pleasantly easy, though I still dislike worrying about glass splinters.

I was cutting insulation when Ephraim made the above remark ("Do not punch this wall unless you know exactly where you're punching") in a "there should be a sign" voice. I don't think you can imagine the voice, but if you can, please do. It just means the speaker thinks there should be a sign that says what he is saying.
Taking his own advice, he found a spot and carefully punched it.
At any rate, seeing that there are nails sticking out all over this wall, I deemed it important enough to write it down.

I, with my amazing sewing skills, found the material on the right and nailed it to the wall. And that's the toilet on the left, so now we have a curtain which closes the room off and a toilet--a bathroom.

That's the bathtub after we put the... I'm still forgetting the name. Anyway, Bam. Bathtub.

The End.

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