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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

What's going on in Vancouver - floor sitting

It's been 1.5 years since I started floor sitting. Here are the benefits that I have seen in that time;
My chronic tail bone pain is completely gone. It was worse for a few months and I had to sit on pillows.
 My body has become stronger. My own muscles are able to support my body comfortably while sitting on the floor in various positions, leaning on nothing.
I have had prolapse since the birth of my second child 18 years ago. It is especially bad during pregnancy. It seems to be completely gone.
My back doesn't hurt. This was never chronic, but occasional. My back muscles are stronger due to floor sitting.
I am more limber. When you sit on the floor it's natural to move around a lot- stretching out in every direction from ankles, thighs, hips and all the way up the back. Even the shoulders and arms are working when you floor sit.
I don't get sleepy and lethargic like when I sit on a sofa. When I sit on the floor I feel rested and often invigorated and ready to get on with my day. I still rise stiffly sometimes but that wears off fast and then I feel great.

We finally ditched our sofa's and set up a cozy seating area with camping pads, quilts and throw pillows. Of course not everyone is willing or able to sit on the floor so we have a couple wooden chairs for them. From my research and my own personal experience, I would advise floor sitting for most people especially people with pain or who don't want to develop large thighs and rear.
I would love to move to floor sitting at meal times. We sit down to eat with 12 people three times a day and would really need a floor table and not a sheet to pull this off in an organized way.
I hope that this helps you.

1 comment:

linda said...

Wow interesting and great advice! I was wondering if it was bad or not, concerned bout bad habits of slouching if that is more prevalent in floor sitting or doesn't matter? anywho thank you! As I have special back exercises that I do on the floor ever since LAST Christmas when my back gave out. I was wondering if certain chairs or couches were making my back n posture worse etc!? So great info thankyou!