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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Not Naming This One Because Even Though I Like to Have Cool Sounding Names It's Too Hard to Think of One

This morning we all woke up around nine.
I put on my thiwuba, because as soon as you go out of the sleeping area (where we have both heaters going all night), the cold strikes you and threatens to chill you within two minutes.
I looked in the fridge and decided that we should shop today or tomorrow, and this morning we could have an utterly breakfast-like breakfast--in other words, eggs, bacon, fries. But--Agh! it's taken so long to make it! The stove is so small, you can only put the frying pan (Papa brought that too) on and then nothing else will fit! So, I had to first fry the bacon, and then the potatoes, and then I'll fry the eggs. Fries take a long time, too...
Last night we sat around in the kitchen, after a dinner of chili, and watched the old Planet of the Apes.
Despite some mocking comments--
"This is when they thought you had to include every single moment."
"Yeah, they made this with film rolls..."
"With the tape, and the projectors that you turn with a handle!?"
"Yeah. So once it's cut, then there's no going back."
"And the camera man's like, 'I worked hard to get that shot!'"
"'Yeah, you can't take that out... Do you realize what I had to do to get that!'"
"'Hey, film's expensive!'"
"Oh no, here we go again... walking through the wilderness for a half hour..."
"This would be the perfect movie to do a commentary on... otherwise it's boring..."
--We really enjoyed it. So much, in fact, that we got out the second one, moved to Asaph's bed (an air bed that we sat on like a couch), and played it. I'm not sure what I think of that movie... But I do want to watch the new one now. It raises some good theological questions.
Well, thar be the End.


linda said...

n yes it is hard Havi when you have to cook one thing at a time yep i am blessed to have many ways to cook things --- 4 burners on the stove that actually work ha ha a toaster oven, a big oven of course under the stove and a microwave which we don't use as much as we use the stove n toaster oven. maybe you could get a toaster oven it is actually a convection toaster oven if that makes sense anywho better than a norm toaster oven i guess and all sorts of things fit in it as it is bigger too! ;)

Havi said...

Yeah, a lot of people say to get a toaster oven, but you know... Monies!