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Saturday, November 14, 2015

Weighted Keys

Hi y'all/ya'll (Auntie Linda corrected me and now I'm not sure if I should use my personal spelling or the correct spelling).
Oh, before I go any further, I must say this: If you have been mentioned on my blog, it is a great honor--consider it no less. If you are offended, feel free to be so, but bear in mind that it was not my intention to cause such a negative effect. And don't worry, nobody has complained, but I just wanted to say that.
Also, thank you so much for the comments! I really enjoy feedback!

Okay. The above is a picture of me right at this moment. Papa is here! His phone provides wifi! Therefore, despite the lateness of the hour, I post today! And I purposefully put an exclamation mark at the end of the last three sentences!
I think I'll tell you about what Ephraim, Asaph and I did last night; it was so much fun. And yesterday and all. Oh, and this is why I didn't post: Yesterday night, my computer malfunctioned. That is the short version of the very frustrating half-hour I spent trying to figure what, exactly, the problem was (which was simple and unsolvable in the time allotment).

Anyway, last night each of us grabbed an instrument and got in the car. I turned onto roads that took us further, and further, from the center of Bartlesville--a beautiful collection of tall, clean buildings, poorly-draped power lines covered with birds that are black in the sunset, and roads with stop signs at the corners and shops all along. This night, we were not going that way at all, even though it is alluring. The road I took went for three miles along a place that had few houses or establishments and only meadows with tall grass and dried-looking, twisted trees. All their leaves have fallen.
Enjoying the way our momentum pushed us forward while I turned us to the right, I swung into the gravel parking lot at West Oak Baptist. We went inside timidly, but there was Mr. Trumble standing on the stage, who we'd already spoken with (and eaten with) the same day. He and Mrs. Trumble are our best friends here, and mighty good friends they are! I recommend them to the world!
I sat down in front of a keyboard set to "grand piano". It had too much reverb, but I hardly noticed... The keys were heavy and gratified my fingers. And they stretched to arm's length. How different a tiny keyboard and a melodica are from a piano!
If I had such a thing in my house, I reckon I'd waste more time playing it than I do reading and writing. Nonetheless, I want one!
Children, people my age, and a few adults came in, filling two of three sets of pews.
Mr. Trumble started off with an easy song, and I tentatively followed along by the chords on the sheets--and that was when I realized how different keyboard and piano playing styles are. I wanted to play little "things" on it, and then I realized I was supposed to do "chords"... Oh well...
They shouted out loud.
And when they sang, they yelled. They even screamed! I loved it more and more, till we finally got to song 18. And it was one we knew!
Well, that was the most fun I'd had playing for a while. And we're coming back next Friday!
The End

Oh, by the way (and I don't know if I've made this known), if you want to read my story blog, you have to actually find a way to send me your email, unfortunately. There is someone I don't want to read it--so it's private.


Anonymous said...

n oh you love pianos and piano playing like your uncle Chris eh!? you should have great convos with him! ;) Kial does keyboards n organs etc n i have a keyboard here n so does Ivah ;) not that she or i really use them much ha ha but Kial is always recording his music as we gave him all our fancy recording study equip :)

Havi said...

Yep, I love piano playing. And classical, but only MY kind of classical. Keyboards too. I like Electro-classical, which is how I define MY kind of classical. I can't explain it.